Nora Kohri
国際精神医療ソーシャルワーカー / International Clinical Social Worker
Licensed Independent Social Worker (LICSW in Washington) 公認臨床心理士に相当
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW in Delaware) 公認臨床心理士に相当
Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW in New York)
海外出産・育児コンサルタント / Overseas birth and Parenting Consultant
公認医療通訳者 / Certified Medical Interpreter
著者 / Author
執筆業 / Columnist
講演 / Speaker
プロフィール / Profile
1976年 父親の仕事でカナダのトロントの高校へ。トロント大学を卒業し、ソーシャルワーカーとなる。いのちの電話のカウンセラーを務める。
1981年 帰国後外国人および帰国子女のための Tokyo English Life Line のカウンセラーを務める。結婚。長男出産。
1988年 夫の仕事でシンガポールへ。長女出産。海外出産・子育ての調査。
1993年 帰国。1998年 Care the Worldのホームページ立ち上げ。海外出産・育児コンサルタントとして執筆、講演、メディアに出演。
2001年 夫の仕事でニューヨークへ。
2004年 コロンビア大学ソーシャルワーク大学院卒業。
2006年 障がい者施設の館長を務める。
2017年 沖縄の米空軍基地内の家族支援センターにて家庭内暴力、児童虐待ケースを扱う。
現在 カウンセラー、コンサルタント、医療通訳士、著者、レクチャラーとして活躍。
Nora Kohri is an International Mental Health Counselor.
She is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) for State of Washington, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) for state of Delaware, and a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) for state of New York.
In addition, she practices as an overseas birth and parenting consultant and launched “Care the World” website in 1998.
She is also the accomplished author of "Joy of parenting around the world", "Live Long, Healthy, and Happy", “Overseas birth”, “Raising children overseas”, “Love shouldn't hurt”, and many other publications. She has written numerous articles in magazines and newsletters.
She is an educator on topics such as “Healthy relationship”, “Anger Management”, “Parenting”, "Stress Management", "Dealing with trauma" and more.
She serves as a Certified Medical Interpreter (certified in the state of Washington) specializing in pediatrics, obstetrics gynecology, and dentistry.
Born in Japan, she was raised in New York during her childhood. She returned to Japan and completed her middle school.
During her teenage years, she moved to Toronto, Canada and was granted honors diploma in Overlea Secondary School, graduated from the University of Toronto with her Bachelor of Arts.
Upon her return to Japan, she married and gave birth to her first child.
She subsequently moved to Singapore and gave birth to her second child.
She came to New York in 2001.
She earned her Master of Science degree from Columbia University, School of Social Work, specializing in health, mental health, and disabilities.
Nora's degrees and expertise led her to numerous career opportunities, including working for the mentally and physically challenged individuals and working for the United States Air Force as a counselor for cases of domestic violence and child abuse.
She has over 40 years of experience as a mental health counselor.
Member of : American Psychological Association, Japanese Medical Support Network, Japanese Mental Health Network in New York、Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society
In her personal life, she loves the nature, and to travel the world as a missionary, explore new places, learn new things. She spends half of her time in the U.S. and half abroad.
She is a proud mother of 2 children and a grandmother of 5 grandchildren.